
Showing posts from 2018

Supporting Layers

(Read on wordpress, ) ( intermittent excerpt..) The tale is such that certain layers never deteriorate beyond a particular level, subject to the condition that they are present along with some other specific layer in that individual . I am calling such layers as Supporting layers, and the specific layer in the presence of which a supporting layer cannot deteriorate beyond a particular level as, a Main layer . Conditional Definitions The name Supporting layer also suggests that a supporting layer can only be present in an individual if there is a Main layer in the first place. Yet, this is totally untrue. A so-called supporting layer can also be present in an individual without the presence of a so-called main layer. This is because the definition or the name supporting and/or main, holds true when both of them are present together in a particular positioning! Therefore, if a so-called supporting layer is ...

Super Layers or Major Constitutional Layers

We see in some very tough cases presented by some homeopaths, whether in books, journals, or online, that how one resonated to that single energy in and out, and how his all the issues and sufferings in life were revolving around that one energy or medicine. And then, how that single medicine, cures the person so rightly! Here it’s that one Super Layer working, and one may think to call it one’s Constitutional Medicine too, as it’s found, but the right term is Super Layer of course. This is more so because it’s not necessary for all to have just one Constitutional Medicine. Rather, the number of Constitutional Medicines can easily be more than one too, for one, and it’s actually proportional to the general Layers one has or would have if found. I’ve seen more than one Constitutional Medicine or Super Layer too, in some cases, and thus saying about this in proper clinical clarity, than just in theory. Another term that we can think for more than one Constitutional Medicine is Major Con...

Cause of a Disease or Health Issue - Morbific Agent

What is the cause of a disease or health issue? Is it defined differently in homeopathy and allopathy? If so, then how? We might have heard in homeopathy, that the cause of a disease is within , in derangement of vital force, and not outside ? Does that mean the cause was within, or just our vital force deranged due to a cause (present) outside? There is a lot of difference in the two things, as the way we'll understand the cause, in the similar way or on the same lines we'll look for a solution. So, let's see first, what the cause of a disease or health issue is, and how that disease or health issue then can be cured via homeopathy.. (An excerpt..) Something else that needs attenti on is the meaning of morbific agent. This is where we actually erred, as we didn’t understand the meaning of this term. I went through a few dictionaries, both on paper and internet, but couldn’t find the word morbific anywhere. I went through J T Kent’s Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy ...