Super Layers or Major Constitutional Layers

We see in some very tough cases presented by some homeopaths, whether in books, journals, or online, that how one resonated to that single energy in and out, and how his all the issues and sufferings in life were revolving around that one energy or medicine. And then, how that single medicine, cures the person so rightly! Here it’s that one Super Layer working, and one may think to call it one’s Constitutional Medicine too, as it’s found, but the right term is Super Layer of course. This is more so because it’s not necessary for all to have just one Constitutional Medicine. Rather, the number of Constitutional Medicines can easily be more than one too, for one, and it’s actually proportional to the general Layers one has or would have if found. I’ve seen more than one Constitutional Medicine or Super Layer too, in some cases, and thus saying about this in proper clinical clarity, than just in theory.

Another term that we can think for more than one Constitutional Medicine is Major Super Layers or Major Constitutional LayersConstitutional Layers, as it’s very important that we convey it in such a manner that finally helps homeopathy, homeopaths and general public, all together, very rightly.

The cases which have one Constitutional Medicine or one Super Layer, and a good homeopath finds that too, makes one believe in the concept of Constitutional Medicine so very strongly, and such a case coming in books, journals, or online, multiplies that belief of one constitutional layer manifold. However, these are the cases having one Super Layer, and those then also find their way to publication, so very rightly.

Just think of the concept of Supporting Layers, and can’t the medicines listed as Main Layer and Supporting Layer(s), be together present as one’s Super Layers. Actually, it can very easily be! Here if it’s just one such pair or relation for one’s Major Constitutional Layers, practically it’s again one Constitutional Medicine, but still, that would get reached when one is open to such a possibility, and not looking for just one constitutional medicine. So, the world of Super Layers is not restricted to one medicine, whom we misnomer as constitutional medicine.


Another important thing to share here is, when more than one Super Layer, then Cap Layer or the layer of Capsicum Annuum is not required, and these Super Layers bind themselves automatically together. It’s not that just the medicines in follows well or precedes well list would come together, rather here too it can be any energy or medicine.


The concept of Complementary Layers, which certainly is valid for Major Constitutional Layers too, along with the one of Supporting Layers, helps a great deal in dealing with tough cases.


Another very interesting and important thing is how in some cases, we need two or more approaches simultaneously, for proper cure. For example, we get to one’s Super Layers, whether one or more, which of course are right too, but still, that person’s variation in emotions and/or pressures of life etc are so unique, that he needs something else too, along with! Possibly, he may need occasional doses of his Bach Remedy layers along with. When any of the Bach remedies are needed along with, generally they are seen to be needed occasionally. Or he needs his other Essence Layers along with, of other flower and gem essences, than the Bach ones; which then are not needed in occasional doses generally, rather like another major constitutional layer! Or one may need his other Essence layers, of other flower and gem essences, and even Bach remedies along with, i.e. along with homeopathic medicines! Just presenting all possible scenarios, and anyone needing all of these, would certainly be a rarity. Mostly, the cases just need their major constitutional layers, that too as homeopathic medicines.

With the information till now on homeopathic layers, one can form some idea about Bach layers and Essence layers too, though they exhibit a little different unique laws and principles. They are like or rather are an extended part of homeopathy, and many a time are needed along with homeopathic medicines, especially in tougher cases. If one would concentrate on the cases one couldn’t solve, despite putting all the effort, than those magical ones that got better with one or two medicines, and try to understand on the in-depth world of layers, homeopathic, Bach ones, and of other Essences, then one would get to find solutions of/for very many other cases.

There even are cases which get better by essence layers in an easier way, than with homeopathic remedies. Means, for them, it’s not so easy to get to either (homeopathic) layers or super layers, but the essence layers are comparatively easy to get to! And here that person may need just his essences for proper cure. Or he may need Bach layers along with, but still no homeopathic remedies. So, even this is possible. The motive is to get to one’s cure in the best way, in the way that is easier or feasible to get to, as per the circumstances. That’s what a homeopath of course is always looking for too..


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