Possible homeopathic medicine for Coronavirus

(Read on wordpress, https://hmpathy.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/possible-homeopathic-medicine-for-coronavirus/)

Today when the world is fighting with the deadly Coronavirus, I'm trying to put my thoughts on the possible homeopathic medicine for it, and after much deliberation over the past days, than in any hurry. Homeopaths are trying to find the medicine for it, and there even are possible thoughts or remedies, like by Manish Bhatia, in this

We don't know which medicine would be right finally, though I think that the right medicine to combat Coronavirus should be Aconitum napellus. This medicine, if you would ask to homeopaths in general, is used for common cold, general influenza and even pneumonia, etc, which have a sudden onset. Though, very possibly, it won't be thought to be the possible remedy for Coronavirus. I however have seen that in majority of cases, where we feel that the onset of common cold, influenza, etc, is sudden, and try this remedy, are not sudden, and rather are brewing in the body from some time. Like in winters, our body and mind are fighting the cold weather daily, and we do even feel bad in nose, or in body, or see some other symptoms at times. Though, when it doesn't get bad, we feel we got over it. Then soon, in a span of a few days, we get properly down with common cold, which then is certainly not sudden onset.

If we give Aconitum napellus in this situation, I have seen it not working so well, as it should be doing, though of course, we do see some palliation, and then we think to get to some other medicine, thinking that Aconitum did the initial work, and now it's the time and work of another medicine. The reality however is that Aconitum napellus was never the right medicine, for most of these cases, and it's the other medicine itself, which gets right. As I saw it more and more, a big question mark got printed in my mind, over the really right cases for this remedy, the ones who would really need it! And this is a big factor, which even has played its very rightful role, in me thinking of this medicine now for Coronavirus.

One may say that even this virus can stay in the body, but not produce any symptoms, and then after some days, the symptoms appear. So, even here, the onset is not sudden. However, the fact that it doesn't produce any symptom in its dormant time, is equivalent to the person healthy till then, and then getting hit suddenly, to be a full-blown victim. Other symptoms that match with the symptoms of Coronavirus, can easily be seen in this description of the remedy, and even more links/articles are available feely over internet, to confirm on this. Certainly, good books can also be referred to.

Some variation in symptoms too always can be there, from case to case, and if someone would feel that Aconitum napellus may not be the right medicine, then that small variation would also apply for Coronavirus in general. However, that doesn't mean that there is too much of a variation in symptoms, as it's really not, and that can easily be confirmed from the description of the remedy.

In general, Aconitum napellus should be the right remedy for even other viruses that produce sudden influenza, cold, etc, i.e. the onset is sudden, and when of course, other symptoms too are matching. So, this remedy should really be earmarked for this, than for other common colds, where the onset is brewing inside from some days or time, with some or the other symptom showing up at times.


Another important symptom that got me towards this remedy finally, is the fear part, and the symptoms related to fear in it. As a check, one can even think, that are we really afraid when we get common cold! Certainly not, and not at all to the extreme degree as it's mentioned in this remedy. So, this is a big confirmation, that this remedy is not for most of the cases of common cold, but is for some very selective cases. And Coronavirus meets all the requirements of what this energy is all about. The fear factor that is gripping the world today, is very aptly covered in this remedy. Some even feel that it's the end of the world, and that now all will die! And even this extreme fear is covered in the remedy, as one sentence in the description says, "He is sure he will die and even predicts the time of death!"

So, we must use this remedy for the ones fighting with the deadly virus, and for that, the governments of the respective nations need to be serious to give this remedy. They can do it under the guidance of homeopaths in their country, and most importantly, it should be done with the right will, and not to prove that this remedy possibly isn't right. Very importantly, one should keep giving the other allopathic medicines too alongside, and I'm not saying to not use them, or stop them, while giving this remedy. Both should be given together, and if some cases show recovery earlier than expected, and we can see it clearly, then there should be no doubt that this remedy really can help in combating this deadly disease.


Now coming on the doses, potency, etc, and how to use this remedy. Then there are three potencies that can work, and it's not clear on just theoretical basis, that which potency would work the best. If may also depend upon the situation and condition of the person, as to how bad or in tough situation he is. So, we should be open to check the possible potencies, and take this quite seriously. The first potency to try should be 200C, Aconitum napellus 200C, and we can give six pellets for a dose, three to five times, in a span of twenty four hours, given daily. We should see which dosage is producing faster improvements, and here too, the number of doses can easily depend upon the condition of the person. More severe cases can easily need more doses, which is quite obvious of course. As an important care, we shouldn't be using the original liquid medicine, and should give the medicine only in pellets/pills. Just mentioning it, so that we don't err in this.

The potency 30C should also be checked, in case that is more effective than 200C. Generally, in pandemics, the potency of the right homeopathic medicine that is chosen is 200C or 1000C, but there are some reasons that can make 30C to be more effective. It won't be easy to state them as of now, but we should be open to try this potency, if we see that 200C is rather seeming to be a stronger potency. In that case, the number of doses that we would need, can vary from three to six doses, over a span of twenty four hours, with of course daily doses, and again with six pellets for a dose.

The other potency used in pandemics is 1000C, or 1M, as it's generally called in homeopathy. And if this is seen to be more effective, then the number of doses needed would be just one dose of 6 pellets in a day, and the frequency of doses would vary from daily dose to doses in every two to four days.

I hope this remedy really works, and take us out of the grip of this deadly pandemic..

I sent the article to a few, and one lady, who is taking the medicine for her kids from me, was herself down with Coronavirus. She is from another country than mine, and she didn't go to hospital, rather was trying one or the other homeopathic medicine herself. She was already in the crucial stage of difficult breathing and suffocation, and took Aconitum napellus 200C as soon as she read the article.

She wrote me then, and here are her replies, telling on the original stage, and recovery. Fast recovery, inline with the sudden onset of symptoms for Aconitum. And the date and time shown is as per the time zone I'm in, i.e. the Indian time.

April 12, 11:58 pm: I’ve been fighting Coronavirus for six weeks now, and last night I had a sudden suffocation attack. I feel like I do not have enough vital force in me to recover from this nasty virus. I am running out of ideas how to conquer this terrible virus. I just can not seem to get over it! Right now I am at the final stage, I have been in this stage for three weeks now. Coughing, tightness in chest, out of breath, and suffocation attacks in night.

April 13, 2:54 am: No, I am not chilly. The viral stage has passed, long time ago. I am in the bacterial/pneumonia stage. I am coughing once in a while, dry cough. And I have a tightness in my chest, right in the middle, above the stomach. Not a typical pneumonia, it’s different, Corona type damage to the lungs.

April 13, 8:03 am: I think I am feeling better, I can breath better tonight than I could yesterday. I did not realize I had difficulty in breathing even before I went to bed yesterday, but it got bad soon, and by midnight I was suffocating.
I hope this remedy will finally cure me. I do not want to get my hopes up because with this virus you feel better, then you feel worse again after a couple of days. I need at least three days of feeling good, to be sure that I am over it.

April 15, 11:09 am: Other remedies only helped for a short while, I felt better for one day, but worse the next day. This time I feel like I am improving every day.
It’s hard for me to judge my breathing, the suffocation attacks usually sneak up on me out of nowhere. But I've stopped coughing, and my cough was getting worse and worse for the last three weeks. It's rather miraculous how fast I stopped coughing with Aconitum. I never thought of it as a cough remedy. Other symptoms are gone too. Thank you and Thank God for this remedy! Without it I’d be dead by now.

April 16, 9:22 am: Last night I had a slight tightness in my chest at midnight, but not nearly as bad as before. I maybe coughed two-three times today during the day, which is also a big improvement. Never before, in the last six weeks, I had a three days in a row of feeling good, so I am hopeful this is the end of Corona for me.


Here she chose to not check emails for a while, to remain away from stress, and to recover calmly, and then replied after a few days. She even wrote more details, to give a better idea on how the things started, and then got worse, before the recovery began.

April 24, 2:41 am: I wanted to thank you again, for pointing out to Aconite, because without Aconite I would have never recovered. My symptoms were only getting worse and there was no progress in the disease. After taking Aconite I started recovering with no fall-backs. Right now I can say for sure that I am fully recovered and I have no symptoms.
Thank you!


So, the remedy is really right, and it should be used rightly to help others too..


Also to tell, the doses she took were three-four times a day, mostly three rather, of Aconitum napellus 200C, with six pellets for a dose. This is the potency that should generally be used, though for kids, it of course would be lesser as per their age. We of course can even use it as a prophylactic, and the dosage can vary from one to two pellets, once in three-five days, depending upon the risk zone we are in. If one takes it for more time, like over a month, then the doses should be on the lesser side, preferably with just one pellet for a dose, once in four-five days.

Getting back on the case, she has had some heart trouble too, a minor one, and Coronavirus then troubled specifically there too. Surprisingly or not surprisingly, they were the same symptoms, the ones of more trouble, as it's written in the energy that can fight with it, i.e. in Aconitum napellus! Similarly, if someone would have another area of concern for their health issues, more problems in it can easily be expected by this virus, and these issues or symptoms then can easily be listed in Aconitum..


(Please also read the second part of the article here, for more information.)





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