
Showing posts from 2016

Giving Complementary Remedies Together

Many of the issues in health need a simple administration of some of the common complementary remedies together. Though, due to the prevailing way of giving either one medicine at one time, or combination ones without any proper laws, there doesn’t get due attention towards this very simple and easy way, as well as concept. Where Arnica is used in say post-partum issues, if it’s deployed Natrum Mur-Arnica-Apis trio, as these are trio of complementary remedies, the recovery is much faster! Where it’s Rhus Tox or Bryonia given individually, if both are said to help together, the health gets back to normal quite early. Where it’s Pulsatilla given, and Silica thought as possible one later, the proper trio of Pulsatilla-Silica- Fluoricum Acidum works in the way it’s rather needed, then be the need is a common one or some dire need. More examples too are there, though there generally one needs to be sure first, or get sure, if the respective complementary medicines are also one’s layers or n...

Star of Bethlehem, Chestnut Bud - Autism

The Bach Flower remedy Star of Bethlehem can be helpful in taking off the effect of Suppression of Energies caused by vaccines! Yes, it can be used for this purpose, and rather even for reversing the Suppressions caused by vaccines that are being carried in one from earlier generations, as suppressions in energies. This wonderful remedy then can help in tough cases, particularly the Autism Spectrum Disorder cases, including the related ones too of course, ADHD and others. It's the theme of shock factor of vaccines here, to one's energies, that goes with the crux of this Bach remedy. The situation to work though also demands another parameter to be correct, to work in the way it’s needed, and that parameter is simultaneous use of correct homeopathic medicines. You can say it’s a limiting factor for the Bach remedy, then in a way it of course is. The method in general just demands a lesser use of this Bach medicine actually, in doses that are scheduled a few to some proper number...

Get rid of Lyme or Borrelia burgdorferi

It’s a common knowledge all around that Lyme is incurable. Though, it actually is curable. Yes.. and just one remedy is needed to completely finish off Lyme in one, really, just one. It will go in, and kill Lyme, or the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi.  However, on another side, or note, the remedy won’t heal the damage already done by Lyme. That’s the sad part of course, but it would get one rid of Lyme, and thus even those many issues and symptoms one is facing directly because of it . Nowadays Lyme is even taken as a refuge to some other complaints or issues, if anyone can’t cure that particular problem. Like in autism cases, it’s a huge fashion statement by many to say that the kid also has Lyme. So, those cases won’t be cured by it, and certainly, but only the real cases of Lyme. Whether the damage done by Lyme is less or more, and one is sure that he or she has Lyme, then one certainly can get rid of it by the remedy. Many of one’s abnormal complaints will go then, and only the dam...

Homeopathic Vaccination - A False Concept

Homeoprophylaxis is the administration of a suitable homeopathic remedy, in the face of some imminent danger of a disease, to create possible forces in the body at that time, that can help the disease to stay away. It seems great then to take it to Homeopathic Vaccination too. And there one goes wrong! Reason being, any medicine which is not needed, which can't cure our energies or layers, is soon taken out of body, but with the work done by our energies or layers, i.e. our constitutional layers . So, we use our energies or layers to put off that not needed medicine. In wrong prescriptions too, this is what our body does again and again! Though, in both cases, the medicines create both its action and reaction forces, which thus can cause some troubles too, and this again is seen with them. The troubles are more when medicine is used for long time, or in high potencies. Or some Palliations are seen, particularly with a wrong medicine at lower potencies, but again at the expense ...

What I didn't want...

Once in my Management College, during the lecture of a human resource related subject, a teacher began her very first session of the semester, on a little different note. She asked each student on their aims, to land up in which dream sector, and prefer what kind of job. The students began unfolding their imaginations, opinions, even confusions if any, and the teacher guided them as per their concerns. She helped wherever needed, as per an individual's worries, and gave directions to pinpoint their efforts, including the right needed advices. As students answered one by one, and my turn came, I said, I don't know what kind of job or in which sector I should or need to go, but know about which sector I shouldn't go for. The teacher nods, and asks to share them. I began and in two-three minutes covered almost every sector, where I felt not interested in. All this said in a lost state, of real confusion, and in a very hopeless state I was in at that time, though without reveal...

A Business of Palliation and/or Suppression

We in general always feel, that the homeopath or the person in charge of a particular method being used on us, for any of our ailments, does it with the positive intent of healing! Of course, we all take care to choose the right method, the right homeopath, and take the person to be good and trustworthy, having a positive intent of healing. Is it however always so? This question gains much more importance in difficult cases, like that of autism. Rather even in general cases, we can very well see, how mostly what is running around us, is a business of palliation and suppression, whether by a homeopath, or by any of the pathies. Why won't it be to its utmost height in difficult cases, then be those any? Certainly, the ones genuinely trying to find right remedies and ways exist, though with most of the methods, as well as homeopaths, the respective person very well knows what he or she is doing, a business of palliation cum suppression. It's not that the intent is healing, to find...

Years (time factor), and Fixes

Why many a times parents feel that if “a bit” of “results” are given by a homeopath, in autism cases, be in years, and then next “a bit” by another, is something good. Doesn't it seem quite obvious then, that actually the right medicines couldn't be found? Five to ten years given, in changing homeopaths, or even methods i.e. including even others than that of homeopathy, and something or just a little being achieved. Which means autism still being there, or maybe the diagnosis got changed to ADD and others for the lucky ones. Doesn't it make an obvious sense then, that what was done by the remedies, or methods, was just some palliations, or very possibly even suppressions? Of course, not to forget, that the wrong reactions would have got many a times, as this simple scenario of just palliations, or a bit of results, gets in with a very few! It's therefore very important that parents come out of the mindset of a bit of things done to be called as “results”. This understa...

Constitutional and Clears - Misnomer and Deception

What is a constitutional medicine? When the so-called constitutional medicine doesn't provide cure, why do homeopaths start looking for other medicines for clears? These days, the medicines used for such clears could be: 1. A Single or Mixed, generally Low Potency Medicines, to open the so-called Blocked Detox Pathways, Drainage, etc; 2. Vaccine Clears, with high and low potency medicines; 3. Clears by nosodes, as the 'name' nosode creates a chic impact. 4 . Or any other forms of clears. It's important to realize that Hahnemann never mentioned the word “Constitutional Medicine” in any of his works. In practice, when one medicine could cure most of the issues in some cases, that medicine started getting to be termed as Constitutional Medicine. J T Kent using the word constitutional for the first time, for remedy pictures, was another reason behind it, from where the word actually came too. A misnomer thus in a way, with even added tweaked meanings attached to it, as grad...

Chelation Can't Cure

Chelation can't cure, though may provide a bit of results, but with side-effects. Prolonged use, as metals keep coming out “endlessly”, for yet unknown, but surely some reasons of its side effects itself, is thus very harmful. A lot therefore is compromised in the health aspects of such kids. But in the first place why mercury concentrations are high in hair tissues of kids having autism? The truth actually got out to be something very different. It actually doesn't mean higher concentration of mercury in them, or most importantly it being the reason or cause of autism. There’s actually a very nice study to reveal/answer it, and thus a big slap on the face of chelation, wherein kids are put to so bad routine by many... So, wake up to the Fallacy... Use the keyword “mercury” in the Find feature for this article to get to the specific details of reasons of higher concentration of mercury in hair tissues of kids with autism . And certainly, the main finding which led to other d...

C vs LM

How LM potencies compare with the C ones, how a particular LM potency stands wrt to a C one, is one of the intriguing questions that hasn't been answered till now. Some homeopaths though have given their “guidelines” and “assessment” for “very few” LM potencies, the initial ones, on how they stand as compared to the particular C ones. This puzzle has now been solved, and a proper scale of comparison between C and LM potencies is in my book ( section and (For best understanding, get the print book. Though, Kindle book too offers the same, or gives a right understanding, if read with interest.) An example of the scale, rather the beginning part, on how potencies stand... 30C,    LM1,    200C,    LM2, LM3,    1M,    LM4, LM5, LM6, LM7,    10M,    LM8 … The scale is as per proper explanations, and one even can find where will any LM potency stand as compared to a C one, be it LM100, LM200, or any C one... So, something big on this front. An interesting observation...

Primer Fields

It came in December 2012, and radically changed the way we should look at the Universe. David LaPoint’s theory of Primer Fields, the bowl shaped magnetic fields associated with all/every matter, takes away the need of associating Dark Energy with the expansion of the Universe. It very easily even explains and rather practically presents the structure of the Universe. No convoluted theories which get over everyone’s heads, and just a very simple concept he has come up with, by thinking in a bit differently. If one can view even this one video patiently, his eyes will light up. Important parts (time-slots) in the video, even to make oneself interested, are -  7:50 to 8:41 ,   19:42 to 24:42 ,   27:07 to 27:40 , and   30:04 to 32:09 . The last time slot gives the proof of the assumption he begins with, please listen to it. So, Dark Energy prima facie required to reconcile the total energy in the Universe, is not the reason behind the expansion of the Universe, along with its structure. A...