What I didn't want...

Once in my Management College, during the lecture of a human resource related subject, a teacher began her very first session of the semester, on a little different note.

She asked each student on their aims, to land up in which dream sector, and prefer what kind of job.

The students began unfolding their imaginations, opinions, even confusions if any, and the teacher guided them as per their concerns. She helped wherever needed, as per an individual's worries, and gave directions to pinpoint their efforts, including the right needed advices.

As students answered one by one, and my turn came, I said,

I don't know what kind of job or in which sector I should or need to go, but know about which sector I shouldn't go for.

The teacher nods, and asks to share them. I began and in two-three minutes covered almost every sector, where I felt not interested in. All this said in a lost state, of real confusion, and in a very hopeless state I was in at that time, though without revealing it, than in any ego. I was still looking to save my life, and neither really felt an appeal for any sector in management jobs.

As I finished, the teacher had a small mocking laugh, and said,

Beta to fir bacha kya?
Kid (son), then which sector or what is left?

The class too laughed, apart from the smile they were getting while I replied. And I certainly felt low, rather further low, over and above what I already was in. I kind of knew too, that what I'm replying might not go right, but still hoped, if I may somehow get a guidance towards something that I really want.

Neither I felt to say or express false things, that I am say looking for banking sector, or any similar answer, just to give an answer.

What I would ponder within myself many a time, that what kind of work I would like to do 1in my future, what I would really like, what I really want… and for what I would get almost no answer.

Rather I would get a no for almost all visible jobs and sectors. And I was clear for what I didn't want, even if not clear of what I want.

What I didn't want...

Management passed, and I slowly got to find the way to save my life. The truth of homeopathy got revealed! I went to write it, passing through all difficulties, and turned to (became) a homeopath. Even realized on the path, that how this is what I really wanted. And now helping others and curing cases seems so nice.

Got no and fears from everyone, while on the path, but somehow held on the path, believing in Him, to show me the way, always, despite doubts every now and then. Faced no and fears from clients too, initially quite strong, and then it showed a downturn.


Even if we are clear on what we don't want, and in a very firm way, despite uncertainties, God has ways to give us what we want. I learned this from it. A big thank you to him, for being with me always, through the thick and thin.





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