Giving Complementary Remedies Together

Many of the issues in health need a simple administration of some of the common complementary remedies together.

Though, due to the prevailing way of giving either one medicine at one time, or combination ones without any proper laws, there doesn’t get due attention towards this very simple and easy way, as well as concept.

Where Arnica is used in say post-partum issues, if it’s deployed Natrum Mur-Arnica-Apis trio, as these are trio of complementary remedies, the recovery is much faster! Where it’s Rhus Tox or Bryonia given individually, if both are said to help together, the health gets back to normal quite early. Where it’s Pulsatilla given, and Silica thought as possible one later, the proper trio of Pulsatilla-Silica- Fluoricum Acidum works in the way it’s rather needed, then be the need is a common one or some dire need.

More examples too are there, though there generally one needs to be sure first, or get sure, if the respective complementary medicines are also one’s layers or not, as it’s not a fixed rule for all complementary layers of any medicine to be present in one for sure. It’s however the situation of their presence seen to a much greater extent for some of the oft used energies, and that too at both the Major Constitutional level, or at the level of general layers. For other energies it’s by and large the selective presence of complementary medicines or layers.
It’s not that the simple relations like Natrum Mur-Arnica-Apis are just needed for general acute troubles, or are just found as one's general layers, rather we can even find them behind quite tough troubles at the Constitutional level. Though, the negligence for using them together, rather not even one after the other, makes a person to suffer unnecessarily more and more. I’ve dealt with such cases too, where the problem would seem so tough, though the solution would be a simple one among these commonly used medicines, and would just need the services of a relation of complementary medicines together.

For some of these, the homeopathic books so far don’t really list them as complementary remedies, particularly the ones in a trio of complementary remedies. It’s rather some other words used for them, like rotating group of remedies, and other similar ones, though not as complementary remedies.
We need to get out of the burying thoughts of using just one remedy at a time, and equally of more medicines together by wrong principles, like in clear remedies, be it miasm clears, vaccine clears, or others. We need to understand how these energies are present in us, the ones we use as homeopathic remedies. Each individual has a unique set of energies given, some general layers, and above these general ones exist some quite less, one or more, Major Constitutional Layers. And it’s among these layers of one in totality, the respective medicines are needed, as per which ones need recovery! A simple concept, which needs proper attention and understanding.


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