Three Successive 'Standard' Potencies

What is the logic of using three potencies of a particular medicine on a person?
Three successive potencies, the three successive 'standard' potencies!

We would have seen it done on ourselves, any family person, or a friend, or would have heard of it. Why three potencies?

Let’s ask some crude questions to ourselves, based on simple logic, that why three potencies, and see if we can arrive at any answer

  1. Do three successive 'standard' potencies act better? And give better solution of our health issues?

  2. If so, then how?

  3. Or is it that the homeopath is unaware of which potency to use?Using Successive 'Standard' Potencies

  4. Or is it just a tradition that got started, and we don’t even know who started it, who propagated it, on which logic, but we still follow it, without being aware whether it’s right or not!

  5. Have we seen this rule written by Hahnemann, or by any other homeopath as per some new findings anywhere?

  6. No… then why we follow it? And why it’s used really a lot, and rather so blindly?

  7. Imagine a small kid given 200, 1M, and 10M potencies of medicines as clears, which actually is being done in autism cases, or other tough cases, with the so-called vaccine clears or other clear remedies being given in such high potencies. Although, generally just one dose of each potency is given, even that is too much for a kid.

  8. Other than that it's done in wrong use of Homeoprophylaxis in/as Homeopathic Vaccination. That is first a wrong concept of Homeopathic Vaccination, and then in addition an overload of another wrong concept of three successive potencies.

  9. Some don’t follow the rule of three successive potencies in C scale remedies, but get to it while using LM potencies?

  10. Why with LM potencies? Is it that a homeopath is unaware of which LM potency he should use to cure a person.

  11. The problem in LM scale is rather grave, and some homeopaths keep on increasing the potency of LMs blindly, like beginning with LM8 and going till LM 15, 20, 25, etc.

  12. Why this so crude or rough way of using LM potencies, which though may also appear calm and smooth, if one is not aware how deep acting and how high the power of LM potencies is.

  13. The problem or a bit of dilemma to use which potency should be at the most between two potencies, be it C scale or LM scale. And one can try both one by one, if any confusion to finalize on one potency. Or can begin with the best one that seems, with the backup of second one on the sidelines.

  14. That’s how it should go with potencies.

  15. Then from where came the concept of three successive standard potencies?

The problem or a bit of dilemma to use which potency should be at the most between two potencies, be it C scale or LM scale. And one can try both one by one, if any confusion to finalize on one potency. Or can begin with the best one that seems, with the backup of second one on the sidelines.

Homeopathy is a science as well as an art, let’s not make it a compilation of fictions and fantasies.


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